Alpacas have always been fundamental to the Andean lifestyle due to the use of their meat for sustenance, the Alpaca dung as firewood, and of course their fine fiber to produce clothes and all kinds of garments. The Rainbow Mountain alpacas are a clear example of this, and it should be known that these South American camelids only live at high altitudes, over 16 000 feet high in extreme climates.

Rainbow mountain Pet Alpacas

Lately, families benefit from their pet alpacas. They have been trained, or they may be orphaned alpaca, and the children bring to exhibit at the rainbow mountain to get some tourists to take a picture with them in exchange for tips.

It is interesting to see these children who, being so young, sometimes among little brothers and with their peculiar clothing, begin walking among tourists at the trailhead. They seem tireless and generally make their way first, and when they arrive, they feed the pair of alpacas.

Sometimes you can see the alpacas halfway up, wearing colored tassels on their necks. The adornment is for making them look interesting and more elegant for even fancier photos.

rainbow mountain alpaca

How much should I tip the Alpaca owner?

The exact amount is not established. Tips are around 01 dollars and generally, this is what they are satisfied with. Alpacas are more docile and could not run, spit, or do something else. On the contrary, it seems that they even want to kiss if you get too close or the cameraman approaches too close.

When is the best time to see the alpaca in the rainbow mountain? 

In short, when it is a sunny morning and a good day in the dry season. When traveling in the rainy season and when the snow has fallen, you cannot distinguish the white alpacas; they will be nearby there, close but camouflaged in the white of the snow. This is referring to the herd of common Alpaca.

As for the selfie alpacas, the owners climb for most of the year, but if the day is snowy, almost none of them go up to avoid the cold weather and rain. And if there is someone who has climbed up, he or she will come later, but not from the beginning. Outside of the rainy season, they will surely be there, and you will surely be able to appreciate the precious alpaca.

rainbow mountain llamas

Alpacas in the wild

Local families are completely dependent on the alpaca for their income, so they care for them with respect and dignity. In addition to the wealth of knowledge that they have acquired through their grandparents and their relationships with the considerable population of alpaca, these families have learned to live with the alpaca. Alpacas are part of them.

When venturing in the Rainbow Mountain, you can see herds of alpacas on the distant slopes, and almost always all of them are white-colored, large, medium, and also, the little ones, being these cubs the shyest. But this is the best way to see them, wandering in their natural habitat, and they are not there for pictures, no matter how much you want to, they will run away because they are not used to it.

By Aldair Choque

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